And here's my Peppermint Christmas tags in progress. I don't even want to think about how many pieces I've cut and glittered. But it will all be worth it when they are done.
Then while blog-hopping everyone's Halloween posts I visited Diane at Sideroad Stitcher. On Halloween, she was baking fruitcakes, which got me thinking that I really should make fruitcake this year as my parents and I enjoy it. Well, Diane and I got to chatting about fruitcake recipes, stories and memories and I thought it deserved a post.
First off, how many of you are fruitcake lovers? And how did fruitcake get it's bad reputation? According to Wikipedia, "Some blame the beginning of this trend with Tonight Show host Johnny Carson. He would joke that there really is only one fruitcake in the world, passed from family to family."
Over the years, I've tried a number of fruitcake recipes. Most of them were quite good, one or two, not so good. But I've never been able to come close to the dark fruitcake my father remembers from his childhood. If his mother had family recipes when she passed, I never saw them. My dad only remembers that the cake was very dark, made early in the season and kept wrapped in brandy soaked cheesecloth in a tin for a couple of months. Other than that, it is a mystery. So before I give it another try, I thought I would ask my bloggy friends if they might have a beloved fruitcake recipe or tips that they would share. I would be ever so grateful.
And just in case I don't get a chance to post again before Thanksgiving, I hope you all enjoy a wonderful holiday.
Oh, you've made my mouth water for a lovely slice with a cup of tea - but their not ready yet! Thanks for the shout out, Linda. I hope you hear from some other fruitcake lovers and find that elusive dark cake recipe your looking for.
Yummy Linda. My grandfather was from Germany and his fruit cake had coffee in it. This is not his recepit but I remeber him using instant coffee in his fruit cakes, rum balls and pfeffernusse cookies. I miss him (heavy sigh).
1 cup Shortening
1 cup Granulated sugar
4 Eggs
1 cup Molasses
1 cup Strong coffee or dark rum
3½ cup All purpose flour
1 teaspoon Each of: salt; nutmeg, baking soda and cinnamon
½ teaspoon Cloves
1 cup Strawberry jam
8 ounces Cherries; glazed
8 ounces Mixed fruit
2 pounds Each of: raisins; dates, currents
Looks like your Peppermint tags are going to be real special.
NOT a fruitcake lover, but my Mom has been making the same dark fruit cake recipe forever (it was her mom's recipe). I'd be glad to get it for you if you're still looking. My husband says it's delish!
Can't wait to see your finished tags!
This is such a fun post! I am giggling about our Christmas tags - are we crazy or what!!!! They are all so wonderful together, and I can't thank you enough for sharing your art with me. Your apron is going to be so sweet with the poinsettia edging. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend! Signed, A fruitcake loving fruitcake, E
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